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Hi there! I'm Veronica, founder and designer of Depeapa, a brand of home goods and accessories based in Granada (Spain). Here I write about things that inspire me, my work process and new collections.

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06 / 05/ 2014

Depeapa Totebag
Depeapa Totebag
Depeapa Totebag
Depeapa Totebag
Depeapa Totebag
Depeapa Totebag
Depeapa Totebag
Depeapa Totebag
Depeapa Totebag
Depeapa Totebag
Depeapa Totebag
Depeapa Totebag
Depeapa Totebag

Os presento “SHAPES”, mi nueva colección de bolsas tote.
Un juego de formas geométricas inspirado en el movimiento memphis milano, el minimalismo,  y en todo aquello de lo que no eres consciente e inspira diariamente. 
6 modelos de bolsas lona gruesa de algodón orgánico, serigrafiadas con tintas al agua y procedentes de un cultivo sostenible en una fábrica de comercio justo.

Disponibles en la tienda.

I present you “SHAPES”, my new collection of tote bags.
It is a play on geometric shapes inspired by Memphis milano movement and all the things that I’m not aware and inspire me daily.
6 models of organic cotton tote bags, screen printed with water based inks and made from a sustainable crop in a Fair Trade factory.

They are available in my shop.

Photography: Argider Aparicio

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