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Hi there! I'm Veronica, founder and designer of Depeapa, a brand of home goods and accessories based in Granada (Spain). Here I write about things that inspire me, my work process and new collections.

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28 / 10/ 2013

Cushion Memphis_2 by Depeapa
Cushion Memphis_3 by Depeapa
memphis_1 cushion by Depeapa
Faces cushions by Depeapa
woman cushion by Depeapa
man cushion by Depeapa
cushion detail dy Depeapa
Cushions Depeapa


Os presento la nueva colección de cojines que he diseñado. 

Son cinco modelos. Tres de ellos inspirados en el movimiento de arquitectura y diseño industrial de los años 80 Memphis Milano. Los otros dos son caras (no podían faltar!)
Son 100% Sarga de algodón orgánico y miden 50×50 cm.
Están hechos en España.
Podéis encontrarlos ya en la tienda.

Espero que os gusten!

Fotografía: Argider Aparicio


I present you the new collection of cushions I have designed.

Five designs. Three of them inspired by Memphis Milano, a movement of architecture and industrial design in the 80s. And the others two are drawings of faces (my halfmark!)
100% Organic cotton twill and measured 19.5″x19.5″
Made in Spain.
Are now available in my etsy shop.

Hope you like them!

Photography: Argider Aparicio

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